HSE GSC 2021: Results

Organizing Committee is announcing the results of the Competition

HSE GSC 2021: Results

Daniil Prokofiev

Dear HSE GSC 2021 Participants!

On March 2, 2021 HSE GSC 2021 Organizing Committee, together with the Jury, have summarized the results of the Competition. The criteria for winners, 2nd and 3rd place awardees were concluded, as well as all cases of annulling participation results were discussed.

According to the HSE GSC 2021 Rules, we are now publishing the results of all 17 subjects of the Competition.

Please open the document, find the sheet of your subject (grade 10 or 11), and use search your registration number.

HSE GSC 2021 Results (XLSX, 110 Кб) 

Congratulations to all the winners and awardees! We can’t wait to see you as HSE University students!

All winners and awardees will receive a diploma (digital copy), we will make a special announcement about it on the website.

If you found your name in the list of winners or awardees, soon you will receive a letter containing information about your further steps.

Organizing Committee