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Modern Politics: Webinar

The online seminar on preparing for participation in the subject "Modern Politics" will be held on August 07, 2020 at 11am (Moscow time)

Modern Politics: Webinar

Dear Participants,

HSE University is holding a series of webinars for the HSE Global Scholarship Competition – 2021 participants.


On August 07, 11 AM (Moscow time) we will prepare for the “Modern Politics” subject.

The lecturer, Evgeny Ivanov, Assistant and Doctoral Student of the Faculty of Social Sciences will cover the general issues of participation in GSC – 2021, discuss the types of tasks and give some tips on successful dealing with them, explain some technical issues and provide the participants with the basic literature to prepare for the competition.


In order to take part in the webinar you need to complete free registration

Modern Politics. Aug 07 (PNG, 78 Кб) 



We wish you good luck at the GSC – 2021!

Organizing Committee